Featured Uberflip Hub: careerbuilder.com/advice
As a Content Experience Explorer (EXPY) Award nominee, Justin is recognized as a marketer who takes the concept of content experience from beyond buzzword, to proving its impact on revenue. By focusing on the content experience for prospects and customers, Justin has proven to be an innovator who, with experience, talent, and skill, has advanced the practice of content marketing. Read on below to learn his own hard-won insights on how he’s improving the way content is experienced.
How We’re Putting the Content Experience First
Like most following the gold rush, at CareerBuilder we initially looked to find as many precious metals as possible (also lovingly known as fans!). Of course we had utilized content as part of our buyer journey, but with the help of Uberflip, we've been able to truly segment our audience according to their interest level, to better serve them.
Using the Content Experience to Establish Meaningful Relationships
For us, it's been a matter of understanding our audience at the top-of-funnel (TOFU), middle-of-funnel (MOFU), and bottom-of-funnel (BOFU), for different types of people in our space. Closed funnels are a great start, but you soon realize that content is a discovery journey that is unique for every person. And they binge on content then disappear on a consistent basis. Our efforts are to be there when they want us, instead of getting in their way before they're excited to talk to us.
Creating Amazing Content Experiences Along the Entire Journey
At CareerBuilder, my job has been to bring aboard demand generation, editorial, product and product marketing, as well as sales, to tap into a single source of content that drives new conversations and deeper customer relationships, pre and post-purchase.
Future Explorations in Content Experience
We are exploring more curated content that's tied to day-to-day efficiency (i.e., doing your job better, faster, etc.), as well as future-forward planning (i.e., trends with AI, automation, etc.). The biggest challenge is relevancy: topic, time, and place. With shorter attention spans, the struggle is between creating lots of bite-sized content, or going back to less publishing and more long-form pieces that inspire thinking, not clicking.